Monday, December 13, 2010

Getting close to meeting baby Grace

Well, we have been in the hospital since yesterday.  Its about 4:45 pm now and hopefully baby Grace will be here soon. It has been a long slow process having the bay induced.  I am writing this for Lindsay because she is having contractions right now.  My mom and her mom are here now with us. Lindsay seems to be more relaxed now except that she is talking faster than normal. She could win the speed talking chasmpionship right now.  She was trying to delay the epidoral but she had to get it about a half hour ago.  I  am happy because she was in a lot of pain and  seems to be doing alot better .  Right now its just a waiting game, Im thinking atleast two more hours.  I feel sick to my stomach but I think thats from the hospital food Ive been eating,  Hopefully everything goes well at birth. So far no C section and looks like we will be doing it the natuaral way.  The only thing upsettiung is that Emily is not here but I know she is having fun.  I wish I could cuddle up with her right now and would love her to meet her baby sister today. Once the doctors take the baby, we wont be able to hold her again until atleast a week.  Its better this way with the future so unsure. 

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