Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day One of Grace's Life

Grace was born last night at 8:34p.m. and weighed 6'11. Which is amazing for a heart baby. They are calling her the big girl in the NIC Unit!!  The labor was great. Better than with my first child actually. Her heart rate was up and down all day and the scare of the C-Section was haunting us all day. They came in about 1 1/2 before she was born and told us we had to deliver in the OR. They said because it was closer to the NIC Unit and we would be there in case of a C-Section. I was conviced they were lying to me and planing to do a C-Section, but not telling me because I kept insisting I didn't want one. But Grace did great and came out after about 45min. of pushing!!
I GOT TO HOLD MY BABY!! It was wonderful!! She was perfect!! You would have never know anything was wrong. I can't even explain the emtions. As any mother would know the emtions at that moment in time are so crazy, then add the fact that she was alive, healthy, and they let me hold her!!! She was sticking her tongue out at us!! She is beatiful.
They took her after about 5 to 10 min. That is when it became hard. They took her to the NIC unit to stablize her and start her IV so her heart value would not start to close. Then they began doing testing. After about 45 min. Kirk and the grandma's got to go see her. I was able to head up about 11:30p.m.,those 3 hours flet like days. She knew Kirk and I right away!
When we came back to the room. The cardilogist came down. He said everything looks the same with the condition. At this time they had not found any other problems. She was however breathing all her oxygen from her heart to her lungs, which sounds normal, but it is suppose to go to all other organs as well. This is why she looked so normal. Most heart babies are a purple color. He said that he could hopefully stablize this with medication.
Kirk didn't sleep a drop he kept going back and forth all night checking on her. In the morning I got to see my baby wide awake again. She had her MRI, and ECHO Testing (for her heart) done today. Both came out great. The rest of her tests will be tomorrow.
I came back to the room for a break and to see my other baby!! Thank you to Danielle and Katie for bringing her.
When I returned back to grace, they decided to place the breathing tube in her. This will control where her oxygen is sent and keep her alive. They do however have to drug the baby so they won't be in pain. Which is a good thing. I just won't be able to see my daughter open her eyes now till at least after her sugery. I know that we are lucky and got to spend more time with her awake then most. It is just still hard. This is something I don't think no matter how much you try and prepare your self you ever can. We have definately entered into a roller coaster ride. Now the next week will just be a waiting game till the surgery.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for my babies safe and healthy deliver. Please just keep us in your thoughts for one more week. We need Grace to stay stable and become stronger before the surgery. Then we need her to pull through from the sugery and come back to us!!!


  1. I know you don't really know me, but my daughter was in the NICU for 11 days when she was born 7 weeks early. I know this must be hard on you and kirk but just keep faith in that your little baby will be strong and fight. Girls fight more then boys do. You and baby Grace are in my prayers and let us know if you need anything. Jessica Barrett (sunset grill)

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  3. Lindsay, you are one of the strongest people I've ever met. I've thought that from the day I met you and watched you simultaneously balance two jobs that kept you working until 4am, school, boyfriend, friends, two rent payments (crazy girl) ... and all with the brightest smile on your face. Even yesterday, in the midst of the most challenging time of your entire life, you lit up that dark hospital room with your strength, smile and shine. There's no doubt in my mind that you and your family will pull through this. Your daughter Emily showed me that same strength and grace over the past couple days. She is such a little YOU! Grace's name is absolutely fitting for her. I love you Lindsay. Just let me know how I can help.
