Sunday, March 27, 2011

Heart Attack

On Thursday 3/24/2011 in early afternoon, I left to go to work for a few hours after spending a great morning with Grace. Kirk called in a panic to come home that the baby was white and been throwing up. I checked her levels when I got home and they were down. We drove her to the emergency room and she was admitted imendately. They told us that her heart was failing but could not explain why. They started tests imediately. By Firday night they had come to the conculsion, that Grace had a Heart attack Thursday afternoon.
We could not believe what they were telling us. I know that we were told that this could happen, but a baby, having a heart attack? We knew something was wrong but were shocked to hear this.
Grace is stable know. The worry know is to see how much damage was done to the heart during the heart attack. The heart is still very swollen at this point. Grace will have a cafe test done on Wednesday. The results from this test will hopefully give us a accurate number of how much damage has been done. At that point they will make the decsion weather to move foward with surgery early next week, or if there was to much damage done. Grace will be transported to Gainsville and put on a transplant waiting list.
We definately don't want to go the transplant way. We are praying that surgery will be able to be done, and will work. A transplant is very risky, besides the fact that she can only wait so long for a heart, and it is not easy to get a heart for a nine pound baby.
So please everyone pray that we will be able to move foward with surgery instead of a transplant. I will update soon to keep you all posted.


  1. We love you guys and are praying for that beautiful angel!

  2. your entire family is in our thoughts. we love you and are here in whatever way you need us.
