Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2, 2011

Ok, so today is much better, besides the fact Kirk had to leave to go back to work. We are settled and know our way around a little more. Emily is coming on Monday!! I can't wait!
Grace is doing good. As stable as she can be. She is on pain med's that knock her out but ever couple of hours she opens her eyes for a few minutes. This is what makes everything ok. To see those big beautiful eyes. She can not make any sounds or smile because of the ventilator but you can read in her eyes the comfort she has when we are here. I wish I could just explain to her that this is not forever and soon mommy will be able to hold you again. For now she seems happier and in less pain than last week. They are hoping to just keep all meds the same for know and hope she will stay in this condition for as long as she can.
It is confrimed all test's are done and as of yesterday Grace was put on the transplant list! So now we just wait.


  1. We are praying non-stop for you Baby Grace. You are such a little fighter! We love you guys! Stay strong and positive! Xoxo

  2. Grace, Lindsay and Kirk you are in my heart...I pray the wait won't be long and Grace will be back in the comfort of home very soon! I'm sending lots of healing energy your way! Thank you for sharing Grace's journey and progress with us!
